Gabriel Pereira

Speculating with predictive memory-making: The (Black) Box of Memories

As a result of the Museum of Random Memory’s workshop at the European Science and Technology Studies Conference (EASST 2018) in Lancaster (UK), I co-wrote a blog post with Ramona-Riin Dremljuga and Kseniia Kalugina. In it, we experiment with speculative fiction as a critical method for thinking otherwise about possible futures (see where it started here).

We begin by presenting a speculative science fiction vignette, a “collective speculation of what a MoRM science-fiction-inspired performance taking into account our imagination of current and future algorithms for memory-making”. Afterwards, we explore three core ideas present in the vignette, namely: the “black-box” metaphor, the business/entrepreneurial aspect of algorithms and the conception of predictive memory-making.

Read the full blog post on the Future Making Constortium blog.

This is a speculative look onto how a black-box algorithm looks. Pretty confusing.

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