Gabriel Pereira


These are some of the practice-based research projects I’ve been part of, which may include different types of artistic practice, action-based research, organizing, co-design, etc.


A 10-day intensive research residency and workshop held at the Casa do Povo (São Paulo, Brazil), bringing together over 80 people to explore alternative geographies and ontologies of consciousness regarding the digital, informational, and computational. more >

Future Movement Future – REJECTED

The short film “Future Movement Future – REJECTED” is the story of a dystopian surveillance future that was barred by institutional refusal. The project was developed for the “Surveillance Futures” special issue of the Surveillance & Society journal. more >

Exch w/ Turkers

This collaborative net art allowed visitors to chat with Amazon Mechanical Turkers, the human microworkers responsible for doing the many small tasks necessary for, e.g., developing and verifying AI data sets. more >

Algorithmic Sea

Interative net art and site-specific installations exploring human and computational perceptions of color. Collaboration with Sarah Schorr and Carlos Oliveira. more >

Social IT Solutions Workshop 2020 Brazil

I’ve organized, together with colleagues from MIT’s GMTaC, a two-week workshop on information communication technologies for development, digital media, and design learning in the state of Bahia, in Brazil. more >

Center for Arts, Design, and Social Research

I’m a Researcher in Residence at CAD+SR, participating in the Center’s residencies and projects alongside an international group of people. more >

Museum of Random Memory

MoRM is an ongoing series of artistic interventions and installations that researches the ‘big data’ we produce in our daily lives. more >

HISTORY OF _RT // _rt movements

HISTORY OF _RT presents quantitative and qualitative data about 2.443 artists of 11 books used in Art History courses in Universities in Brazil. The project, funded by Itaú Rumos, includes a website visualization, printed material and exhibits. more >

It’s Giving AI: Generative AI aesthetics

This DMI Summer School project centered on the aesthetic characteristics of GenAI images, particularly from AIArt communities. We deployed a variety of digital, qualitative, and practice-based methods to study how such images are produced/circulated. more >

Images to live with

The emergence of contemporary computer vision coincides with the growth and dissemination of immense image data sets. This project asks: What can be gained by scaling down and living with images from large-scale data sets? more >

AT/MI Book

The early promise of computing has been fulfilled mostly in the interest of more powerful and privileged groups. Thus our work is to build alternatives together. Our co-edited bilingual publication serves as a contribution to that change. more >

Collaborative VR, Impossible Spaces

The experimental construction of an experimental virtual reality space for knowledge exchange and collaboration as part of the Center for Arts, Design, and Social Research residencies. more >

Affecting Technologies, Machining Intelligences (São Paulo, 2020)

A 3-day gathering on interdisciplinary perspectives on computation and artificial intelligences from diverse critical perspectives, taking place at the University of São Paulo Institute of Advance Studies and Inova USP. more >

Recoding Art: Van Abbemuseum

As part of a research funded by Deviant Practice Grant, Bruno Moreschi and I worked with the Van Abbemuseum collection (Eindhoven, NL), reading their artworks through commercial image-recognition AIs from leading tech companies. more >

Another 33rd São Paulo Biennial

Collaboration with Bruno Moreschi’s project for the 33rd Sao Paulo Art Biennial, creating alternative modes of comprehending the exhibition that go against the official discourse. more >