Gabriel Pereira



Vigilância algorítmica: banalidade e desvirtuamento de função. Interview for the Latin American Network of Surveillance, Technology and Society Studies. June 2023. [In Portuguese.]

How the image collection ImageNet re-constructs reality. Interview for Training the Archive. December 2022. [video]

Invited Talks

Digital Colonialism: Contemporary practices of extraction. Talk at IMPAKT Centre for Media Culture, January 2024. [video]

Algorithmic surveillance and urban flux: License plate recognition and counter-capture. Talk at the Urban Assymetries and Invisibilities series, PUC-PR, Curitiba. May 17th 2023.

Recognizing algorithmic violence: Capture and counter-capture in banal surveillance. Talk at Violence & Visibility in Computational Regimes symposium, John Cabot University, Rome/Online. March 24th 2023.

Centering struggle in critical algorithm studies. Talk at Media@LSE Research Dialogues, “Power and Resistance in data-driven societies”, London School of Economics, London/Online. June 16th 2022.

Towards Refusing as a Critical Technical Practice. Talk at Responses to Algorithmic Governance workshop, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, Norway/Online. May 20th 2022.

Antagonizing and resisting algorithms of computer vision. Talk at Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, Brazil/Online. April 2nd 2022.

Struggling with Algorithmic Seeing: Hegemonic CV and Antagonistic Practices. Talk at Images of Machine Learning Online Symposium, Australia/Online. July 1st 2021. [more details]

Artistic Data Visualization: Algorithmic Sea. Talk w/ Carlos Oliveira and Sarah Schorr at Dataviz Rio (BR), May 2021. [video]

Cultural Experiences and Subversions of Algorithmic Technologies. Talk at Multiverso Festival, Rio de Janeiro (BR), February 2021. [video]

Brazilian Workers at Amazon Mechanical Turk, and the Exchanges w/ Turkers Intervention. Talk (w/ Bruno Moreschi) at the DiPLab (Digital Platform Labor), Paris (FR), June 2020.

Experiments on datafied and algorithmic memory-making. Talk at the “Digital Memory — (Re)shaping Remembering and Forgetting in the Computer Age” Colloquium, Hamburg (DE), May 2020.

Open and Close — Creating Other Archives. Talk at the Processing Community Day, Aarhus (DK), February 2020.

What can AI teach us about ART? What can ART teach us about AI? Presented (w/ Bruno Moreschi) at the IDFA 2019 DocLab Interactive Conference, Amsterdam (NL), November 2019. [video]

AI+Art: Interventions. Talk at SOMAR, Lisbon (PT), August 2019.

Conference Presentations and Roundtables

Seeing like algorithmic surveillance? Presentation at the 4S (Society for Social Studies of Science) 2024 Conference, Amsterdam/Online, July 2024.

Labour and Automation in the History of Automated License Plate Recognition. Presentation at the Re-imagining Security Labour workshop at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, Amsterdam, June 2024.

Algorithmic Antagonisms, Resistance and Coloniality of Power. Roundtable of the Global Digital Cultures Soirée, Amsterdam May 2024.

The rise of Automated Number Plate Recognition: A genealogy of an algorithmic surveillance technology. Presentation at the Data Justice Conference, Cardiff, June 2023.

Practices of Seeing: Experiments in Computer Vision. Presentation (w/ Bruno Moreschi) at the King’s College London/Serpentine Gallery Creative AI: Theory and Practice Symposium, London, January 2023. [video]

Automated License Plate Recognition: A Legitimate Form of Surveillance? Presentation at the 4S (Society for Social Studies of Science) 2022 Conference, Mexico/Online, December 2022.

How Does Activist Resistance to Algorithmic Surveillance Matter? Presentation at the 4S (Society for Social Studies of Science) 2022 Conference, Mexico/Online, December 2022.

Tactics and practices of refusal and disengagement with WhatsApp in Brazil. Presentation at the Latin American Studies Association Conference, USA/Online, May 2022.

Artistic Responses to Algorithmic Governance: Reimagining and Transgressing Algorithmic Imaginaries. Presentation (w/ Holger Pötzsch) at the 4S (Society for Social Studies of Science) 2021 Conference, Toronto/Online, October 2021.

Algorithmic Sea: Exploring the Critical Making and Seeing of Color. Presentation (w/ Sarah Schorr & Carlos Oliveira) at the 4S (Society for Social Studies of Science) 2021 Conference, Toronto/Online, October 2021.

Mapping work with workers: activist responses to platform labor in Brazil. Community Lab at RightsCon 2021 (w/ Rafael Grohmann, Monique Lemos, Amanda Jurno, Ana Guerra, and Bruno Moreschi).

+27354689782 has left the group: The subjectivities and localities of life on WhatsApp. Experimental Session at Association of Internet Researchers Conference 2020 (w/ Natalie Dixon, Alex Gekker, Stefania Milan, and Amelia Johns).

The antagonistic & activistic life of algorithms. Roundtable at Association of Internet Researchers Conference 2020 (w/ Mark Andrejevic, Shintaro Miyazaki, Stine Lomborg, Seong Jae Min, Luke Heemsbergen).

The banal dimensions of surveillance: A case study on the implementation of Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) systems in Denmark. Presentation (w/ Christoph Raetzsch) at the 4S (Society for Social Studies of Science) 2020 Conference, Prague (CZ), August 2020.

Delanguageing algorithmic ways of seeing-understanding. Presented at the Affecting Technologies, Machining Intelligences event, Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of São Paulo (BR), February 2020. [video, in PT/BR]

Apple Memories and automated memory-making: Marketing speak, chip-engineering, and the politics of prediction. Presented at Association of Internet Researchers Conference 2019. Extended abstract.

Recoding Art: Van Abbemuseum Collection. Presented (w/ Bruno Moreschi) at the Museum Take Over: Bodies of Knowledge, Van Abbemuseum (NL), May 2019. [video]

HISTORY OF _RT: arts-based data activism dissecting the “official” art history. Presented (w/ Bruno Moreschi) at the Data Justice Conference, Cardiff University (UK), May 2018.

The Seams of Urban Intelligence: APIs as Infrastructures for Developers and Citizens. Presented (w/ Christoph Raetzsch, Lasse Vestergaard & Martin Brynskov) at the Cultures of Participation Conference , Aarhus University (Denmark), April 2018.

Museum of Random Memory: Engaging Communities in Data Literacy through Critical Pedagogy and Social Activism. Presented (w/ Annette Markham) at the Cultures of Participation Conference, Aarhus University (Denmark), April 2018.

Museum of Random Memory as Experimental Research Practice: Data Literacy + Activism. Presented (w/ Sarah Schorr and Annette Markham) at the Philosophy of Higher Education Conference, Aarhus University (Denmark), November 2017.

“Clip, move, adjust”: Video editing as reflexive rhythmanalysis in networked publics. Presented (w/ Mads Rehder and Annette Markham) at Association of Internet Researchers Conference 2017. Extended abstract.


Episode #8 – Affecting Technologies. Participation in the Conversations From the Center Podcast, together with Bruno Moreschi and Katherine Ye. December 2020. Listen wherever you get your podcast or on Acast.